Contact details

Sciences Po, Department of Economics
28 Rue des Saints-Pères
75007 Paris

E-mail : marleen.marra [at]



Welcome to my website

My name is Marleen Marra.

I am an Assistant Professor at Sciences Po and a Research Affiliate at CEPR.

My research agenda broadly involves understanding individual and firm incentives in (bidding) markets. Ultimately, with the aim to improve the organization of these markets and to advance public policy.

I specialize in the structural analysis of auction/procurement data. My research contains applications to public transportation, the allocation of airport take-off and landing slots, online platforms, and prison telecommunication services.

I teach Empirical Industrial Organization at the School of Research and Competition Policy at the School of Management and Impact, both at the graduate level.

control tower
Airport control tower at Fort Worth Alliance Airport (AFW), Texas, United States. Photo by Carolyn Russo, pubished in Art of the Airport Tower (2015) by Smithsonian Books